

C-boats are the most common gig boats in German rowing clubs. They are suitable for beginners training, training and general rowing, for long-distance regattas and for hiking trips with little luggage. Although the dimensions of the boats are prescribed by the German Rowing Association, there are countless different designs. A wide variety of hull shapes are available, especially for the four with cox. For touring rowing with full luggage in the boat and / or for touring rowing on large bodies of water. E-boats are strongly recommended for this. They are wider and therefore have more buoyancy and higher safety reserves.

Übersetzungstext fehlt

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C-Four Rheinriss C4x+ rowing boat
C4x+4+ C-Four with Rheinriss
For general rowing on rough water.
with cox
C-Four Rheinriss C4x+ rowing boat
C4x+5x- C-Four-Five Rheinriss
For general rowing on rough water.
without cox | Exchange seat
C5x- C-Five Karlisch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. For rough water.
without cox
C-Four Rheinriss C4x+ rowing boat
C4x+ C-Four with Rheinriss
For general rowing on rough water.
with cox
RS5x- Fünfer ohne Steuermann
C4x+5x- C-Four-Five Karlisch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. For rough water.
without cox | Exchange seat
C4x+ Pirsch Wellen
C5x- C-Five Pirsch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. On calm water.
without cox
C-Four Karlisch C4x+ rowing boat
C4x+ C-Four with Karlisch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. For rough water.
with cox
RS4x+ Pirsch
C4x+4+ C-Four with Karlisch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. On calm water.
with cox
C4+ Riemenvierer
C4x+4+ C-Four with Pirsch
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. On calm water.
with cox
C4x+ Gehrmann Ruderboot S-Class
C4x+4+ C-Four with Gehrmann
For general rowing, beginner training and regattas. For calm water.
with cox

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